martes, 3 de agosto de 2010


Budding political movements - like the Tea Party - need to be careful when it comes to choosing venues. After all, a certain Austrian demagogue's early prediliction for Munich beer halls got him and his followers a (richly deserved) reputation as boozy troublemakers. In other words, choosing the wrong setting gets things off to a bad start and can turn party followers into a laughing stock. What was going through the minds of the organisers when they chose The Gaylord Hotel in Nashville for The Tea Party's first national convention? Maybe they just forgot their followers are red-blooded homophobes almost to a man. One slip-up might be considered an accident, two reveals carelessness bordering on stupidity (as Lady Bracknell might have said). Here is an extract from The Guardian, the campus newspaper of Wright State University.

Extract from The Guardian - source
Tea Party Movement: What is it?

Posted on 04 May 2010 by Logan Hess

Students of Wright State University add to the list of people getting involved in a political movement that is growing in popularity every day.

Early last month, 8,000 of the 12,000 seats in the Nutter Center were filled with supporters of the Tea Party Movement that references back to the Boston Tea Party of 1773.

According to supporters of this movement, the Tea Party is based in love and follows values and principles centered on good morals, family, freedom and God.

The movement is about love for this country and the reasons America was founded in the first place, which some supporters believe has been portrayed poorly by the media.

Any guesses where the next meeting will be held?

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