martes, 3 de agosto de 2010


The sham of a "grassroots" Tea Party movement is becoming more obvious with every passing day. Mike Meckler, string-pulling lawyer and lobbyist for the (strongly Republican) Lincoln Club Orange County is now muzzling his followers. Here is the latest diktat handed down from on high and revealed by Mark's flunkey (alter ego?) "Tio Tom" (why "Uncle Tom" and why half in Spanish?). Anyway, without further ado, here it Meckler's latest "Commandment".

Dateline August 3, 2010. Internal Tea Party instruction (signed by "Tio Sam", TPP censor)

The Hosts made a decision. I am instructed to enforce it. So any discussion past or present that revolves around religion is no longer allowed on this board. As stated in Words from Mark. There are plenty of other forums to discuss issues that relate to religion. That includes the Radical Muslim threat. If you do not agree with this policy then you have every right to petition the Hosts. I am doing what I was instructed to do. If you wish confirmation on this, PLEASE contact either Debbie or Mark.

Admin has instructed me to report anyone that feels they have a right to violate this rule. I will begin following that instruction from this point forward.

From now on, the drivel on The Tea Party site will be a great deal less entertaining. It could signal the party is over.

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